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Career Consulting

Personal and confidential career consulting by a former company president

Direct feedback and tips to help you move up the ladder.


The top 3 things you need to know to enhance your career are really pretty simple;

  1. Know where you are - in the company and your role

  2. Know where you are going - Where do you really want to be?

  3. How to handle a disaster.

CASE STUDY:  C.I.O.  Career IS Over!

I had the opportunity to chat with  a Chief Information Officer for medical complex  which was undergoing renovation and construction.   The call was a bit frantic because earlier that day the C.I.O. discovered that an entire new floor had been wired totally wrong and it was the C.I.O's  direct input that caused the issue.

Needless to say, this was a crisis, the project was not going to hit timing milestones and most likely would be significantly over budget.  The C.I.O felt that their career was over.

My advise was simple and straight forward....  OWN THE PROBLEM!   

I advised the C.I.O. to get together with the contractor that night and formulate a plan with alternatives - even rough alternatives that require further flushing out.

Then (even if they got no sleep) schedule a meeting with the CEO as early as possible and present it this way;

  • I have a problem  that you need to know about - Explain at a top line

  • I have solutions - present the top line of the solution set.

  • Here is what I believe is the impact

So, what happened.... Today, that C.I.O. is the CEO's right hand and most likely will get the job when the CEO decides to hang it up.

You might think I am going to claim credit for this.... sure I gave them advise, but they put in the effort and executed.   That C.I.O. just needed a little push in the right direction and that is where I came in... just happy to help!

First 30 min session is free!
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